Wednesday 1 April 2020

Hi guys welcome to our blog

Hope you guys are safe because of this coronavirus/covid19 happening.

So I’m going to list my home-schooling routine.

1) Getup at 8:00
2) Make my bed
3) Clean my room
4) Brush my teeth for two minutes and wash my hands and face with soap
5) Then clean the sink
6) Put cream on my face
7) Get changed into new clothes
8) Eat a healthy breakfast
9) Get a water bottle and a piece of fruit and 1 snack ready for school - By this time it should be 8:30
10) Then tidy up 
11) Make sure you are ready and have got all the things you need for school 
12) Then start your schoolwork
13) Continue your school work until lunch 
14) Finish your work in silence until your school time has finished
15) Make sure to add an hour of exercise reading and a house chore
16) Once you've done that you can do what ever you like except for watching YouTube videos or Netflix and last but not least the TV only on Saturday and Sunday

                                That's the end I know it looks wrong but it isn't!

I like to be a year 3 student at the moment because it's fun what we get in lessons. We get to make booklets and we get to make stuff and we get to make mechanical systems and we get to colour stuff and draw stuff and other things like that.

Working at home is fun but I miss School too at the same time because it just feels more normal than home but I'm not saying this is boring it is really fun though.

I like to do maths and I like to Art for pleasure.

I like doing literature.

                                                     Bye see you next time

My first week in lockdown

I love lockdown! We get to have school at home. In break I can play with my baby brother in the garden. But it is a bit boring without my friends and teachers.
There were few days when my  brother was ill and then I fell ill and I could not do anything. On Saturday I had a house party  with my school friends and I really enjoyed it. I watched television.

My Week

In my week I woke up at 8:00,brushed my teeth and had a shower.I also had yummy breakfast every day.I sent an email for registration to Ma'am. I got school work to do including Maths, Art and more. Then I helped my my mum with cooking. Then we have dinner as a family. Then I go to bed.

Hi guys welcome to our blog

Hope you guys are safe because of this coronavirus/covid19 happening. So I’m going to list my home-schooling routine. 1) Getup a...